
Final Reflection on Learning

witching my major from Applied Mathematics to Quantitative Finance in the last semester, I had to face the competition with students from NUS Business School who had strong communication and speech skills. In order to narrow the gap and catch up with them, I had no hesitation in taking ES2007S. It was a great experience as I learnt much about professional communication as well some resume-writing and job interview skills. In addition, I realized that there was a room for me to improve in terms of communication skills.

From 13-weeks study, I have learnt the proper way of writing an application letter and resume. This was extremely useful for me in applying for internship and industrial attachment. Before taking this module, I had no idea about the format of application letters and never realized that a good cover letter could make me stand out from other applicants. In addition, I had a valuable opportunity to gain an insight on how the actual interview looks like through the mock interview session. During these sessions, I played the roles of interviewer and interviewee. When I was the interviewee, I felt so stressful that I could not give the interviewer well-rounded answers to most of the questions. To make things worse, because of my nervousness, I failed to speak English in a formal and proper way, thus leading to confusion and misunderstanding. On the other hand, when I played my role as an interviewer, I also realized some mistakes of my friend such as improper tone. During the feedback session, we kindly pointed the weaknesses to each other and provided some suggestions. This valuable experience improved my interview skills significantly.

Besides, I figured that preparation is the key to success in the job interview. I really appreciated Dr Radhikas words: 

Last but not least, I sincerely thank Dr Radhika and my ES2007S classmates for making this modules one of the most helpful I have taken.


  1. Similar to your experience and lesson drawn from the interview session, I have found it very useful as well. In fact, it was a good refresher course to the career centre sessions that i have attended.

    As much as the content is important in interviews, the non verbal aspect of communication and the 7Cs are just important. These portrays professionalism. Having been an 'experienced' interviewee, i would like to recommend you to read through the links in the'PREPARING FOR & PERFORMING AT JOB INTERVIEWS pdf' which is uploaded by Mr Blackstone.

    I wish you all the best in your future endeavours! You have been a great classmate.

  2. Hi Lin Han,

    I too felt all the skills learn in ES2007S is useful. I did not know how important are a good resume and cover letter help us stand out form the crowd before taking this module. Through this module, I can say I knew how to write better cover letter and of course how to present myself to my future employers.

    I just want to say be confident of yourself and I believe you can do much better in your future challenges. All the best in your exams and glad to have you in class! :)

