

2 February 2011

Lin Han (Mr.)
Clementi Ave 4
Block 305 #09-395
Singapore 120305
Mobile: (+65) 81426958

Risk Management Institute
National University of Singapore
21 Heng Mui Keng Terrace, Level 4
Singapore 119613

Dear Ms Long

Application for Production Team Internship

As a year two student majoring in quantitative finance, I have a dream to be a financial officer in the banking industry in the future. Knowing that there is an open internship position in the Risk Management Institute, I feel so attracted and I want to seize this excellent opportunity to enrich my mind and gain exposure to new and exciting areas of research.

As a mature undergraduate, I care more about a broad perspective about the financial industry rather than the formulas and theories taught in the textbook. By reading the history of financial industry, I am constantly training my mind to think critically in an ordered fashion and to derive conclusions. By reading the financial events in the newspaper, I have a deep understanding about the links between time, risk and money.

This is my first time to participate in an internship. It is true that the first step is really a challenge for me. However, my enthusiasm for challenges and my ambition for success will never change. They drive me forward, and shape my heart with confidence and optimism. Additionally, being confident about my academic study, I will have enough time for the job during the next semester.

The internship is a very prestigious program, and I will be honored to be given the chance to participate in it. I sincerely yearn to contribute to the Risk Management Institute, and to benefit from the vast experience that it has to offer.

Yours sincerely

Lin Han

Lin Han
Clementi Ave 4
Block 305 #09-395
Singapore 120305
Cell phone: 0065-81426958

August 2010-present:
Major in Quantitative Finance
Second major in Statistics
National University of Singapore (NUS)
Faculty of Science
Cumulative Average Point (CAP): 4.78/5
January 2008- December 2009:
Victoria Junior College (VJC)
January 2011:
Dean’s List (Faculty of Science)
December 2009:
     A-level Certificate
May 2008-June 2008:
2nd place, National Robotics Competition
May 2008:
Distinction, Australian Mathematics Competition
August 2010-present:
Part-time tutor (mathematics, physics, computing, violin)
March 2010-August 2010:
Part-time staff at Raffles Hotel, Singapore
January 2008-December 2009:
VJC Strings club
January 2008-December 2009:
VJC Robotics club
Programming language in C and C++
Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)