
Effective Communication Skills-Week 2

Failure does not mean you are a failure.
It does mean you have not succeeded yet.
-----------------------------------------------My interview experience for Yale University

Last semester, I applied an exchange program to Yale university to experience a new life style in the United States. I really made an effort in preparing my interviews including the history of Yale University and their education format. However, I failed seriously in the second round of interview. The main reason for my failure, in my view, was that I completely ignored the feelings of the interviewer. The differences in culture was a barrier between the western professors and me. However, I did not realize the barrier at that time and never tried to remove it during the interview. One of the interviewer, who might be from Yale University, always gave me a puzzled look while I was talking about my philosophy. When I saw his confused facial expression, I talked more about the traditional Chinese thinking styles and belief systems to give him a well rounded answer. There is no doubt that these additional words completely produced the opposite effects. As a result, my application to Yale University was rejected directly.

Well, failure does not mean that I should give up; however, it means that I should try harder. Actually, failure was really a positive experience which made me realize the importance of communication skills. That is the main motivation for me to take this module (ES2007). Some concepts and skills introduced in this module such as communication models and channels, communication across cultures will be beneficial for my future study and work. As a year two student majoring in quantitative finance, I am certain there will be many interview opportunities in the future. Hopefully, I will not be a loser next time.

Happy lunar new years to all readers.


  1. Happy Lunar New Year to you as well! :) You aren't really a loser! Wouldn't a loser be someone who is defeated completely and is totally unmotivated to continue peservering on? At least you are taking this module to improve your communcation skills, so that you can avoid a similar pitfall!

    May I ask, why did you say that the additional words gave the interviewer more reason to reject you as a potential candidate? Why did you think that speaking about your philosophy prevented you from clinching the deal?

    1. Hello Ming Yan:
      I think the interviewer was not quite interested in the Chinese philosophies I talked:(. I used many intricate words such as omnicentrism which made him really hard to understand without any Chinese literature background :(

  2. Hi Lin Han, happy lunar new year! I think that you were observant enough to notice the puzzling faces of the professors, but perhaps you were not experience enough to handle the situations. I can totally relate to your situation! Since I have not much experience in interview, when I am nervous during the interview, I will say something to the interviewer that does not make sense. It may be probably because we are too nervous to organise our points before saying out. Let us work hard for this module so that we will not face the same daunting situation again!

  3. Hi Lin Han, firstly, im sorry to hear about the rejection for the exchange program, but then again, i'm so glad that the setback from this interview has pushed you in the positive way of thinking things out. Garner the strength to push on from here.
    Also i'd let to add on that other than taking this ES module, don't forget to practise speaking to people, be it to your tutorial mates (i'd offer to help if you'd like!) or to someone professional like an employer at a networking event, or even just plainly hearing a close friend out in times of need. Effective communications take place anytime and anywhere! :) ALL THE BEST AND HOPE EVERYTHING IS SMOOTH SAILING FROM NOW ON. :)

  4. Hi Lin Han, I love how you started off your post on failing at a task doesn't mean you are a failure. Similar to Einstein's discovery of the light bulb, he tried thousands of materials for the filament but to no avail and he didnt consider it as a failure but an attempt, and was successful eventually. Continue with the positive attitude and i believe you will stand a great chance in your future applications!

    I would like to point out that the factor resulting in your rejected applications might not arise from the difference in culture in which you have pointed out. Consider the non-verbal aspects or the relevance in the answers that you have provided with regards to his questions. Approach your future exchange applications to the western continents with the notion that they are looking for someone who can challenge and influence their students positively.

    Since i have been to UK for my SEP and was required to write a page of why i chose the University, you could approach me and ill be glad to help you out as i have a couple of good advice to share.

    Meanwhile, let's strive together to improve our speech and writing!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Hey Lin Han,

    I completely agree with Reynold and I think starting your blog-post with the sentence "Failure does not mean you are a failure" is a pretty good introduction to this part of the story of your life.

    But I do not like your closing sentence; it does not really fit to the introduction. There is no need to call yourself a loser. I think you are not a loser out of this situation; you are a winner because you gained an experience, even if the result from the interview is different from what you expected.

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend

  7. That's the spirit Lin Han- positivity is the essence of success -even if it is delayed. Perhaps if you had given them some background information on Chinese Philosophy it might have helped them understand what you said better.
